Ron Berman - Dog Expert, Dog & Cat Bite Expert, Dog & Cat Behavior and other Pet Related Bites, Injuries & Attacks.
Ron Berman, is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced experts in the evaluation, investigation and litigation of legal cases due to canine aggression and behavior in the United States. He has testified in deposition and trial over 260 times nationwide. He has been qualified as an expert in canine behavior and aggression, dog training, evaluation of canine temperament and behavior,human/canine interaction/relationships, bite wound evaluation, proper containment, handling and control of dogs, animal cruelty, dog fighting, police dogs, and service dogs among other areas of expertise in every court in which he has agreed to appear. He is also a specialist in third party landlord/tenant disputes. Although an expert in evaluating dogs of all breeds, Ron has a special interest in cases involving Rottweilers and "Pit Bulls". He also testifies and provides expert information on dog custody cases.
Ron is a Licensed Animal Evaluator for the Delta Society, an Approved Evaluator for the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Program and an Approved Expert of the Superior Court of Los Angeles. He has personally trained over 12,000 dogs in his 38 years as a behavior consultant and trainer and has been qualified as an expert on 83 occasions in Municipal, Superior, Federal and Criminal courts nationwide as well as in numerous local dangerous dog hearings. He regularly offers opinions on important legal issues involving third party landlord/tenant suits, provocation, attack dynamics and breed discrimination to name a few. Ron has been retained or has testified in cases involving dog owners, landlords, veterinarians, animal control agencies, dog trainers, pet sitters, dog walkers, dog groomers, kennel operators, animal shelters, police agencies, private security firms, dog breeders, manufacturers of pet related products, golf courses,campgrounds, theme parks, dog parks, housing associations, city and state governmental agencies etc.
Ron has conducted nearly 4 dozen seminars on the evaluation, investigation and litigation of pet related injuries for trial lawyers, consumer attorney organizations and defense attorneys as well as in house seminars for major insurance carriers including Farmers Insurance, State Farm Insurance, Allstate Insurance, CNA, Wausau and Safeco among others. He was also chosen to instruct a course on the subject for the Insurance Education Association in Northern California. His articles have been published in numerous plaintiff, defense and insurance publications nationally.